September 7

The SAN Script – the week of September 8 – 12

Sept 8


Watch Expedition 38 crew members Mike Hopkins and Rick Mastracchio give a brief geography lesson as they hurtle through space at 27,600 km/h (17,100 mph) onboard the International Space Station.

The Great Turning
Richard Rohr

Contemplation is no fantasy, make-believe, or daydream, but the flowering of patience and steady perseverance. There is a deep relationship between the inner revolution of true prayer and the transformation of social structures and social consciousness. Our hope lies in the fact that meditation is going to change the society that we live in, just as it has changed us. It is that kind of long-term thinking that God seems to be involved in and kindly invites us into the same patient process.

I know the situation in the world can seem quite dark today. The negative forces are very strong, and the progressive development of consciousness and love sometimes feels very weak. But the Great Turning is indeed happening, as people like Joanna Macy, David Korten, Byron Katie, and Thomas Berry believe and describe.

In his Letter to the Romans, Paul has a marvelous line: “Where sin increases, grace abounds all the more” (5:20). In so many places, there are signs of the Holy Spirit working at all levels of society, almost in tandem with the emergence of unbelievable violence, fear, and hatred all over the world.

It seems to me that true progress, or the hope that we have, is not naively optimistic, a straight line, or without regression. Spiritual progress, ironically, develops through tragedy and through falling. As C. G. Jung said, “Where we stumble and fall is where we find pure gold,” the gold of the Gospels, the hidden gold of our own souls, and then the beautiful soul of the whole creation.

Adapted from
Dancing Standing Still: Healing the World from a Place of Prayer,
pp. 100, 103

Gateway to Silence:
Show me your ways; teach me your paths.

St. Anthony this week

Monday, September 8

7:45 – 10:30 Student Profile meetings continue

10:30 – Terry Fox launch:  

Tomorrow morning we will be having our Terry Fox Event Kick off assembly.
It will begin at 10:30am in the learning commons.  All are welcome! (K-6)
We will be putting a copy of the note to go home to parents about “Toonies for terry” in your mailbox.  Can you please make enough copies for your class to send home.
We will be collecting the money that comes in – in a jar in front of the office once we have it all set up…..coming soon!

Tuesday, September 9

Staff Meeting 7:30 see agenda

Wednesday, September 10

Peter Atkinson visiting our school – 9:00 – 10:30 am

School Council 6:00 PM

Thursday, September 11

Friday, September 12

CCT meeting -Geraldine and Paul

Celebrating two weeks – staff outing on Preston street – 3:30pm

Analyzing iPad Myths in Education

iPad MythsAre you still trying to fight for iPads in your school?

Many obstacles that iPad cynics attempt to put in place when discussing a roll-out are based on untruths, poorly research and/or out-of-date information. I was delighted when my Canadian Twitter friend and fellow iPad blogger, Steve Lai decided to join forces, as we’ve done before, to combat this dis-information that floats around the education profession worldwide.

This Post explains how to argue a Case for iPads in the Classroom.

Preamble: This article is to support iPads in teaching. However, it is not to devalue the benefits of a great teacher. The execution of iPads in class is only going to go as far as the passions and mindset of the teacher allows it to. In other words, the iPad will never replace quality teaching.