September 19

The SAN Script – Friday, September 19

The love of our neighbor in all its fullness simply means being able to say, ‘What are you going through?’

-Simone Weil

prayer of the day

Lord, open our eyes to see that the fruit of life comes when we plant seeds of hope among those whom the world rejects. Amen.

– From Common Prayer

great work by everyone - Congratulations on the win!!  Thanks very much Sandra for coaching the girls.

great work by everyone – Congratulations on the win!! Thanks very much Sandra for coaching the girls.


St. Anthony Today

Andrew Harvey – Evergreen Foundation – in to visit the Green Team and Teresa Rupnik – 11:30 today

Andrew will be working with us all on a greening renewal project this year at St. Anthony

Sabina in today

Teachers as Technology Trailblazers

Why Sharing Your Good Work Is Necessary, Not Boastful

Megaphone man at the Metro 4 by Hazzat, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License
   by  Hazzat 
Just last week, I have having a conversation with two educators at a family picnic. They were a thoughtful pair, and they had a wonderful grasp of teaching and learning.

About halfway through the conversation, I asked them the following question:
“Have you ever considered your sharing your good work on Twitter or social media?”

I thought the question was relatively innocuous as both of them had checked Facebook or Instagram throughout our chat. However, their responses were really interesting. They both turned to me and said, “We don’t do that.” When probed, they explained that they felt that it was boastful to show your professional accomplishments on social media.

Their words caused me to stop and reflect. If we’re not sharing the good things we’re doing in our classrooms on social media (and beyond), I believe we’re going to end up with a lot of misperceptions and confused educational stakeholders.

for more of this article, please click on this link
and finally….