February 16

The SAN Script The Week of February 17 – 20



Here is where we are going to complete work on this year’s SIPsa.  We have a focus on feedback that we have yet to work on as a staff.  We will be planning another half-day PD session where we will be focussing on some of these Google extensions, especially Kaizena and Read and Write which is a great feedback tool we can all use.  Take a look at the Thinglink by Krista Sarginson above – it will give you some ideas on other apps that you would like to focus on for the PD Day.


Please complete the form below – we especially need to know what time you want so we can book your supply.



From our SIPsa:

An overall goal for staff this year will be to use digital technology more effectively. We will work on more effective use of iPads, chromebooks and iPods on a regular basis in the classroom.

Our school SEF, EQAO debriefing and professional observations indicate that students are not yet able to read, understand and apply strategies with a necessary degree of independence. We need to use guiding questions (such as “5 Productive Talk Moves”) to provoke thinking and encourage student engagement .

As a staff we will come to a common understanding of descriptive feedback and effective questioning techniques (e.g., Edugains, Ministry Monographs, Fountas & Pinnell’s “Teach, Prompt, Reinforce”, Opening Minds) Participate in World Spelling Day

 St. Anthony This Week

Tuesday, February 17

IPRCs for Mrs.Rupnik- Learning Commons Location – Paul and Teresa (AM)

Cathlee O’Connell to read with Mrs.Rupnik’s class

10:50 Ash Wednesday songs practice in gym gr.1-6

chess club (noon)

Guest Reader Session in Mrs. Rupnik’s Class

Table Tennis – 3:15 – 4:15

Wednesday, February 18

Ash Wednesday

Squirmies forms are due

Y Kids Academy 1130-2:00PM grade 5-6 students

Shayne Salter in to work on netbooks – conversion to chromebooks

Swim to Survive Program – grade 2-3 Ms Manzoli’s class

Nicole Belanger (muralist) visiting the school regarding the Paint it Up Program

Thursday, February 19

SIPsa Collaborative team meeting – Paul, Nora and Meg attending

Guest Reader Session in Mrs. Rupnik’s Class

Shepherds of Good Hope – Jeans Day

Little Horn Theatre with Audrey Lemieux

Chinese New Year: Year of the Goat

Young Rembrandts After School

Friday, February 20

Ski Day – Junior Students Mount Pakenham