March 26

The SAN Script – Thursday, March 26

O God, thank you for your love. Help us to remember that action apart from love creates injustice, but action from love seeds justice across your earth. Amen. 

© Rutger Pauw / Red Bull Content Pool Danny MacAskill performs during the solar eclipse at the Quirrang on the Isle of Skye, Scotland on March 20th 2015. The photograph, which sees Danny appear in mid-air in front of the eclipse, was created by friend and photographer Rutger Pauw

© Rutger Pauw / Red Bull Content Pool Danny MacAskill performs during the solar eclipse at the Quirrang on the Isle of Skye, Scotland on March 20th 2015. The photograph, which sees Danny appear in mid-air in front of the eclipse, was created by friend and photographer Rutger Pauw

St. Anthony Today

Paul out 1:00 PM CEC

Guest Reader Session- Mrs. Rupnik’s class 9:20AM

Scientists in the School Gr. 1 – 8:30 AM




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