June 18

The SAN Script – Thursday, June 18th

Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you. ~ Shanon L. Alder


The cutting has started!  The company will be back tonight to complete the work

St. Anthony Today

Grade 6 gone ll day to Christie Lake – returning for 9:30 PM – Paul and Debra gone all day

Recycling Day – (black and blue bins open please)

What are the Best Ways a Teacher can Demonstrate Leadership in the Classroom?

Read more here


Model: A leader in the classroom models the type of behavior and learning they want to see and encourage in their students. They are transparent in their own learning process, they do not hide mistakes or failures, their make their thinking, learning and process visible for others to reconstruct and follow. Leaders model by example  not by ” Do as I say”.

Experience: A leader in the classroom gives students the opportunities to experience the learning. Leaders in the classroom don’t skip steps because it is easier, less time consuming and possibly more convenient. By the same token, leaders are ready to experience and embrace new situations, new skills, new learning opportunities alongside their students. Leaders put themselves in the position of learners and don’t continue to only draw on experiences from another lifetime (when they were young or from a pre-technology world).

Leaders encourage, value,  support and celebrate “sticking your neck out” in order to experience new paths. Share: A leader celebrates, highlights and shares their classroom learning community’s  accomplishments. The leader takes on the responsibility of documenting and strategically amplifying through a variety of venues. This can range from face to face in-school sharing opportunities to district, national or international conferences as well as online social network platforms (Ex. blogs, Twitter, Pinterest, Diigo)

Trust: A leader in the classroom is always working on establishing and strengthening trust as an integral component of that leadership flow. Trust is the component that “lubricates” the movement of the flow.  Leaders always seek and take advantage of opportunities to gain trust but also learn to trust their students.