April 27

The SAN Script – Wednesday, April 27th


fast action at the boys’ basketball tournament 

Hi everyone

We are finalizing the schedule for next week.  For the Open House, thanks Teresa for getting us coffee.  If you could bring in a snack for the parents that would be great.  We will start with a brief into in the gym followed by the film on St. Anthony.  After that, I will be sending parents to visit your classes and the learning commons (makerspace demo and book sale).  The whole open house will be over by recess.

Also, for our May and June PD/staff meeting – we will be haveing a short intro webinar by Atomic, then I would like you all to try one module – your password is your e-mail address and Anthony.

We will meet for 15 minutes in the learning commons then you are free to work anywhere until 4:45 on a module.  I will include one with this blog today

Have a great day!!  Please remember – it is National OA day today!!


Here is one module you can work on in Hapara: