June 1

The SAN Script – Wednesday, June 1

There are two ways to get enough. One is to continue to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less.

– G.K. Chesterton

Happy June!

A great story of discovery!

Canadian Teen May Have Found Lost City Using Ancient Star Maps



Using satellite imagery and Ancient Mayan astronomy charts, 15-year-old William Gadoury from Quebec, Canada is believed to have discovered a previously unknown Mayan city deep in the jungles of Mexico. According to the Telegraph, no other scientist has ever found such a correlation in the past several hundred years of study of the Ancient civilization.

Using satellite imagery and Ancient Mayan astronomy charts, 15-year-old William Gadoury from Quebec, Canada is believed to have discovered a previously unknown Mayan city deep in the jungles of Mexico.
According to the Telegraph, no other scientist has ever found such a correlation in the past several hundred years of study of the Ancient civilization.

June 1-2

read more here at Twisted Sifter

St. Anthony Today

Waste-free Wednesday today

EQAO – Day 4 – announcements at 11:00am

Paul away at 10:00 am

Grade 1-2 field trip – 8:30 – 12:20

Weeding Wednesday at lunch with the Green Club

Camp Smitty Presentation – learning commons 12:20