December 21

The SAN Script – Wednesday, December



In a very real sense not one of us is qualified, but it seems that God continually chooses the most unqualified to do [God’s] work, to bear [God’s] glory.

Madeleine L’Engle

St. Anthony Today

Assembly – 9:15 am

Paul out – deliveries of hampers to our families

Goodlife Gymnastics – Grade 3 2:00 PM

#CelebrateWithDE – Winter Holidays


Holidays unite people around ideas, beliefs, and customs. As schools and classrooms prepare for winter break, many students will celebrate holidays. Explore these Discovery Education resources to learn more about winter holidays around the world and check out some fresh takes on familiar traditions.

link to this audio – some great content you can use today!!

December 18

The SAN Script The week of December 19 – 23

It’s never enough

It’s not enough.

There are more people, better off, with more freedom, more agency and more power than at any other time in our history.

That’s not enough.

As we use technology and culture to create more health, more access and more dignity for more people, we keep reminding ourselves how inadequate it is in the face of the injustice and pain that remains.

That’s how we get better.

We must focus on the less fortunate and the oppressed not because the world isn’t getting better but because it is.

It’s our attention to those on the fringes that causes the world to get better.

When Beauty Leads to Empathy

I’ve been blessed to speak to a variety of audiences and events around the world. But in September it was my great privilege to speak alongside my youngest daughter to a TEDx audiences in West Vancouver.

Having spoken in West Vancouver a few years ago, I was asked to return. A few weeks before my invitation, Martha, who was in grade 12 mentioned that one day she would love to give a TED talk. So I asked Craig Cantlie if he might be willing to take a chance and have Martha and I speak together. Craig listened to our proposal for a talk which was really a thread of an idea and decided to take a chance.

This talk is based on Martha’s passion around feminism. She has taught me a great deal and I tried to take her learning and mine and put it in a broader context. Our process of collaboration began with her writing what she wanted to say. I then tried to compliment her story as best I could.

Given the events of the past few weeks, I think the talk offers much to ponder. My personal passion for civil discourse and a focus on beauty are ideas that I still am working through. I don’t think we’re offering any simple answers here but just a story and some ideas to consider.

St. Anthony this week


Monday, December 19

Office Hours Rec Link Mondays 9:00 – 3:00PM


Tuesday, December 20






Goodlife – Ms Troccoli – 12:50

Wednesday, December 21



Winter Solstice (Discovery Education)

9:00 am – School Assembly

1.Sports Presentation – highlights from this fall

Boys Volleyball

Girls Volleyball

Girls Gaelic Football

Boys Soccer
2. Wastefree Wednesday Winners
3. Report of Waste Audit and Google Slide Presentation
4. Grade 6 (extended class) will be performing a (short) original song at the assembly too

Goodlife Gymnastics – Grade 3  – 2:00 PM

Thursday, December 22


Advent Liturgy – 1:00 pm

Friday, December 23

Goodlife Fitness M Chartrand’s class – 2:20 PM

Last St. Anthony Superstars – 3:00 PM

The beginning of Christmas Break – Merry Christmas Everyone!!



December 14

The SAN Script – Wednesday, December 14

Learn to be quiet enough to hear the genuine within yourself so that you can hear it in others.

Marian Wright Edelman

A stellar nursery in the Carina Nebula. A billowing cloud of cold interstellar gas and dust rising from a tempestuous stellar nursery located 7,500 light-years away in the southern constellation Carina. This pillar of dust and gas serves as an incubator for new stars and is teeming with new star-forming activity. Hot, young stars erode and sculpt the clouds into this fantasy landscape by sending out thick stellar winds and scorching ultraviolet radiation. The low-density regions of the nebula are shredded while the denser parts resist erosion and remain as thick pillars. In the dark, cold interiors of these columns new stars continue to form.

A stellar nursery in the Carina Nebula. A billowing cloud of cold interstellar gas and dust rising from a tempestuous stellar nursery located 7,500 light-years away in the southern constellation Carina. This pillar of dust and gas serves as an incubator for new stars and is teeming with new star-forming activity. Hot, young stars erode and sculpt the clouds into this fantasy landscape by sending out thick stellar winds and scorching ultraviolet radiation. The low-density regions of the nebula are shredded while the denser parts resist erosion and remain as thick pillars. In the dark, cold interiors of these columns new stars continue to form.

Hubble Space Telescope Space Advent Calendar

Why is Christmas Day on the 25th December?

Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God.

The name ‘Christmas’ comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). A Mass service (which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist) is where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life. The ‘Christ-Mass’ service was the only one that was allowed to take place after sunset (and before sunrise the next day), so people had it at Midnight! So we get the name Christ-Mass, shortened to Christmas.

Christmas is now celebrated by people around the world, whether they are Christians or not. It’s a time when family and friends come together and remember the good things they have. People, and especially children, also like Christmas as it’s a time when you give and receive presents!

The Date of Christmas

No one knows the real birthday of Jesus! No date is given in the Bible, so why do we celebrate it on the 25th December? The early Christians certainly had many arguments as to when it should be celebrated! Also, the birth of Jesus probably didn’t happen in the year 1 but slightly earlier, somewhere between 2 BCE/BC and 7 BCE/BC (there isn’t a 0 – the years go from 1 BC/BCE to 1!).

Calendar showing 25th December

The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor). A few years later, Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December.

There are many different traditions and theories as to why Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. A very early Christian tradition said that the day when Mary was told that she would have a very special baby, Jesus (called the Annunciation) was on March 25th – and it’s still celebrated today on the 25th March. Nine months after the 25th March is the 25th December! March 25th was also the day some early Christians thought the world had been made, and also the day that Jesus died on when he was an adult.

December 25th might have also been chosen because the Winter Solstice and the ancient pagan Roman midwinter festivals called ‘Saturnalia’ and ‘Dies Natalis Solis Invicti’ took place in December around this date – so it was a time when people already celebrated things.

More here
St. Anthony Today
Paul in late – 10:00 AM
Grade 5/6 to St Luke’s Table
Theresa Patenaude, Speech-Language Pathologist, in Mrs. Rupnik’s Class all day.
Paul out Family of Schools Meeting – 12:00
Goodlife Gymnastics – Grade 3 2:00 PM
December 7

The SAN Script, Wednesday December 7


Robotics workshop run by Probots Ottawa for our juniors with Denis. Great to finally have this started!

Robotics workshop run by Probots Ottawa for our juniors with Denis. Great to finally have this started!

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Mark Twain

St. Anthony Today

Wastefree Wednesday

Paul away all day – CLL

Rosary visits today – please let me know of any permanent schedule changes so I can update the visit schedule for the remainder of the year.

Teresa to run EQAO Cognitive Lab with Grade 3 class- Maria/Kirsten to cover Teresa’s class

Goodlife Gymnastics – Grade 3


November 29

The SAN Script – Tuesday, November 29

I equate ego with trying to figure everything out instead of going with the flow. That closes your heart and your mind to the person or situation that’s right in front of you, and you miss so much.

Pema Chodron


St. Anthony Today

Guest Reader Session in Mrs.Rupnik’s class- AM- Grade 4 student at 9:30 and 12:15-12:30 Ms. Lindsey Barr

Goodlife Gymnastics – Grade 3 Ms Solymar

What’s For Lunch:  A Global Collaborative Project (a Global Collaborative project you can do with your students!)



No matter if they live on a farm or in the middle of a city, every day millions of students take a break during their school day from feeding their minds to nourish their bodies. Join classes around the globe as they reveal what’s in their lunch bag.

In this collaborative global project, students will share the contents of their lunch, look for similarities and differences of their lunch to their global peers, and examine the distribution of the main food groups to create a well balanced meal.

Download the printable What’s for Lunch project guide.

Build Background Knowledge

Use the strategies and resources below to prepare for your discussions and data collection.

  • Engage students in the concept of food groups, by displaying Discovery Education images of a variety of foods around the room, using the Spotlight on Strategy Visual Walkabout (Canadian Subscribers) to allow students to make connections and ask questions.
  • Introduce the MyPlate dietary guidelines produced by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) by playing the segment 5 Food Groups (Canadian Subscribers) which highlights the five food groups and reveals how grains, vegetables, fruits, protein, and dairy products contribute to growth and overall health. Have students demonstrate their understanding of a healthy plate by using the Spotlight on StrategyJournals (Canadian Subscribers)
  • Allow students to develop a broader understanding of food and nutrition by exploring the Content Collection Food (Canadian Subscribers). Have students share what they learned from the resources using the Spotlight on Strategy 25 Things You Didn’t Know(Canadian Subscribers).



Data Collection and Analysis

Review the Report Form questions to prepare students to collect relevant data. You can print the form for field use.

Students collect data, then use the Report Form to submit their findings and results. Then, review Findings data to compare their observations with other students around the globe.

Note: you can return to Findings any time to review as more data is collected from other classrooms.

Extend Learning

Extend the experience after examining your findings and global results.

  • Have students create a new food item. They will need to research food chemistry, develop the recipe for the new food, design the packaging, and plan a well balanced meal in which their item is featured.
  • Explain to your students the importance of food sustainability. After watching Social Studies: World Food Day (Canadian Subscribers), have students work in groups to discuss ideas of how they can decrease food waste and increase eating foods that are in season. Students should use the Spotlight on Strategy PMI (Canadian Subscribers) to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each idea. Allow time for students to share their results with the whole class.
  • Challenge students to watch the segment United States: Update on Food Labels(Canadian Subscribers) with their families and to open their kitchen cupboards and examine the nutrition labels. Use the Spotlight on Strategy A-E-I-O-U (Canadian Subscribers) to have students share their findings.
  • Share your healthy choices through social media with the hashtag #CelebratewithDE



November 22

The SAN Script – Tuesday, November 22

Welcome to winter!!

Welcome to winter!!

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.

Margaret Mead

St. Anthony Today

Paul in late

Lunch lady Today

Goodlife Ms Troccoli 12:50 – 1:50


How Do Things Fly? – A Fun and Interactive STEM Activity

The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum has a bunch of great online exhibits for children and adults. A couple of years ago I featured the America by Air online exhibit. American by Air is a series of thirteen online activities that take students through the history of commercial aviation in the United States. After learning about the history of aviation let your students try their hands at designing their own airplanes on the How Things Fly exhibit.

How Things Fly features an interactive module in which students design their own airplanes. The activity starts with a simple and slow airplane that students have to modify until it reaches a target speed and altitude. As students modify the wings, fuselage, and engines of their airplanes they are given instant feedback on the effects of those modifications. In some cases the feedback includes the airplane crashing and the students having to start over again.

Applications for Education
Working through How Things Fly could be part of a fun STEM lesson for elementary school and middle school students. The feedback that students receive on their airplane design modifications includes information on thrust, drag, lift, and weight.

STEM Resources from Discovery Education
When you are teaching science to your students are you using Discovery?  Check out this section on STEM Resources


Why this focus on STEM today?  We just received a $4500.00 grant from Telus for our STEM Innovation Centres!

September 22

SAN Script Thursday, September 22 – First Day of Fall!

You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

Rabindranath Tagore

Girls Soccer at St. Gemma!

St. Anthony Today

Paul away all day – Elementary Principals Meeting

The first Papa Jack Popcorn today







SOS Strategy of the Day

What are paper slides? 
The purpose of this strategy is for students to explain a concept in their own words and with illustrations they create. “Retelling does not mean memorizing—it means recounting the story in the child’s own words.


This is a screen shot  –  to find the SOS Strategy, please log in to Discovery and use this link

September 5

The first Glorious Week of School!!

An illustration by W. W. Denslow from The Wond...

An illustration by W. W. Denslow from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, also known as The Wizard of Oz, a 1900 children’s novel by L. Frank Baum. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Rising Strong: Brené Brown on the Physics of Vulnerability and What Resilient People Have in Common 

To start the year I have chosen a recent article from Brain Pickings, one of my favourite blogs.  This is all about Brené Brown who writes and talks about vulnerability.  She has a TED Talk on the subject.  I think this is a great topic to help us prepare for the new year.  I am including the links her, but not the full article – it’s a short one and well worth the read.

Good luck everyone on our first day.  I know this is going to be an amazing year and I am so excited to get started!

Away we GO!!

brene Brown Art by Lisbeth Zwerger for a rare edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The most transformative and resilient leaders that I’ve worked with over the course of my career have three things in common: First, they recognize the central role that relationships and story play in culture and strategy, and they stay curious about their own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Second, they understand and stay curious about how emotions, thoughts, and behaviors are connected in the people they lead, and how those factors affect relationships and perception. And, third, they have the ability and willingness to lean in to discomfort and vulnerability.

Brené Brown — The Courage to Be Vulnerable quoted in Brain Pickings

Tuesday, September 6

Meet the Teacher Day

  • Students and parents enter the school at 8:30 bell (message to parents)
  • short introduction and welcoming in the gym
  • students form up with their teachers and go to class – parents follow
  • coffee and snacks in the hallway right outside the office
  • teachers intro to parents and teachers – hope to get as many forms signed as possible – non-homeroom teachers assist with in-class sessions
  • emphasis on media form – looking for 100% ‘YES’
  • Meet the teacher done by recess – National Anthem and announcements to be done just before recess to set up the ground rules for the new yard (ie. no jumping off the rocks in the outdoor classroom etc)
  • Tweets today #ocsbfirstday

Wednesday, September 7

No events are on the calendar for the remainder of the week – we will use this time to distribute computers and forms that need to be returned and to collect the student fee.

If there are events that should be on the calendar, please let me know so I can inform the parents.  Opening assembly for the students will be early next week once forms and money have been collected and computers have been distributed.  Very important for me to know if you are short computers so I can order additional machines.  All students, grades 3-6 should have their own computer.  Grade 4-6 students can bring their computers home as soon as the Acceptable Use forms are returned.


  • media form
  • Acceptable Use
  • Student Verification and CASL form
  • Walking Letter
  • Student Activity Fee letter
  • Pizza and Milk forms will be distributed later in the month – Pizza will be once per week this year.

There is no letter going home from me, I have sent out my message to parents (above).

Thursday, September 8

Friday, September 9

Maureen Devlin

What Is Teaching Well?

After teaching for many years, it can still be challenging to speak up for what you believe in and have learned to be true about teaching and learning. No one educator knows it all, but teachers who have dedicated decades to the profession have certainly gained some knowledge about what works and what doesn’t work.

Generally an experienced teacher understands that good teaching is a combination of tried-and-true traditional work plus new researched-based efforts. It’s not one or the other, but both.

Good teaching also depends on a level of spontaneity and responsiveness. This means knowing your students well and then choreographing and leading the learning in ways that matter to your students. Good teachers are very observant. They have a stack of great lessons and learning materials, and they employ that collection at the most advantageous times.

Good teachers know that teaching is an organic task–not a static effort. Good teaching is always changing to meet the needs of context, students, new research, and timely materials.

Good teaching is well planned with room for flexibility and response–the kind of “loose-tight” planning that’s advantageous to most tasks and efforts that involve people.

Good teaching reaches in and reaches out. We reach in to care for and teach our students well, and we reach out to gain more insight, knowledge, and ideas to do the job well.

Good teaching is a collaborative endeavour that utilizes state-of-the-art effort to learn and employ the best possible teaching/learning plans and effort.

As educators we have to stand up for what we need to teach well including the following:

  • timely, inclusive, transparent communication
  • worthy, collective, collaborative problem analysis
  • good structure, research, and process with regard to decision-making
  • substantial time-on-task with students in responsive, sensitive ways
  • significant lead time and value related to planning and preparation
  • educator/student voice and choice
  • up to date materials, tools, furniture, and learning/teaching spaces
  • time for worthwhile, targeted, differentiated, and useful professional learning
  • honest, direct dialogue and debate focused on what students need and why they need it
  • honest, worthy rationale for efforts imposed and directed
As an educator, my focus this year is a focus on good teaching and service to students and families. I will look for honest, worthwhile, and useful ways to build my craft and practice with this in mind in the days to come.
June 29

The SAN Script – Wednesday, June 29

St. Anthony Today

Year-end staff celebration at Geraldine’s

Tomorrow – we have coffee and snacks ready in the learning commons for 8:30 this morning. Followed by a short prayer service then a short staff meeting.  Here this the agenda, please add items to it if you wish

Google Forms Can Now Automatically Grade Quizzes Without an Add-on

For a long time Flubaroo has been one of my go-to recommendations for easy scoring of quizzes created in Google Forms. Today, Google made it easier than ever to have quizzes scored for you and to show students their scores. Now when you create a Google Form you can go into the Form settings and choose the quiz option. Within the quiz option you can choose to have your questions scored as students answer them. You can also choose to show students their scores as well as correct answers. See my screenshot below to learn where you can find the new quiz scoring options.
Applications for Education
The new automatic quiz scoring feature will make it easier to quickly deliver feedback to your students when they take multiple choice or true/false quizzes.The automatic quiz scoring feature only supports multiple choice and true/false questions at this time. If you want to have short answer or fill-in-the-blank questions scored for you, you will need to use Flubaroo in Google Sheets.
June 7

The SAN Script – Tuesday, June 7

I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’

Muhammad Ali

In an interesting experiment, biology student Mattia Menchetti—who is currently pursuing his Masters in Science at the University of Florence—left a stack of colored construction paper for a group of European Paper Wasps and photographed the resulting nest they created. Menchetti posted the series of close-up photos on his blog, Notula Zoologica, and the rainbow-colored results are quite fascinating. For more, you can check Mattia’s official website and blog and also find him on Twitter and Facebook.

In an interesting experiment, biology student Mattia Menchetti—who is currently pursuing his Masters in Science at the University of Florence—left a stack of colored construction paper for a group of European Paper Wasps and photographed the resulting nest they created.
Menchetti posted the series of close-up photos on his blog, Notula Zoologica, and the rainbow-colored results are quite fascinating.
For more, you can check Mattia’s official website and blog and also find him on Twitter and Facebook.

St. Anthony Today


Culture Shock Hip Hop at lunch today

Dr. Olmsted testing in ELL room

The Play Store comes to Chrome OS, but not the way we were expecting

Under the hood, Google takes a brand new approach to Android apps on Chrome OS.

The Android game Galaxy On Fire running on the Chromebook Pixel.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.—It’s really happening. Android apps are coming to Chrome OS. And it’s not just a small subset of apps; the entire Google Play Store is coming to Chrome OS. More than 1.5 million apps will come to a platform that before today was “just a browser,” and Android and Chrome OS take yet another step closer together.

In advance of the show, we were able to sit down with members of the Chrome OS team and get a better idea of exactly what Chrome OS users are in for. The goal is an “It just works” solution, with zero effort from developers required to get their Android app up and running. Notifications and in-line replies should all work. Android apps live in native Chrome OS windows, making them look like part of the OS. Chrome OS has picked up some Android tricks too—sharing and intent systems should work fine, even from one type of app or website to another. Google is aiming for a unified, seamless user experience.

Starting in early June, developer channel builds of Chrome OS will see a pop-up message allowing them to opt-in to Google Play and Android app compatibility. This will roll out to touch-enabled Chromebooks first in the “M53 Dev” version, with support for non-touch devices coming soon after. We were told a full-scale rollout to the Chrome OS stable channel should happen sometime in September or October.

More here – article suggested by Rob Long