September 12

The SAN Script – Friday, September 12

Sept 12-2-

A Shady Tree

The world belongs to the Enthusiast who keeps cool.  ~ William Mcfee

 Keep cool; anger is not an argument.  ~ Daniel Webster

 Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power.  ~ Joyce Meyer

 There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.  ~ Ralph H. Blum

 A person of calm is like a shady tree.  People who need shelter come to it.  ~ Toba Beta

 Quotes  about calmness


Great Google Search Strategies Every Student Can Use – Infographic

from Free Technology for Teachers

A couple of years ago I published 10 Google Search Tips All Students Can Use. In that post I included a small PDF to distribute to students. The folks at Canva.comtook a look at the post and turned it into a slick infographic for me. You can view the infographic below. Click here to download it from where I have it hosted.
Canva is a nice tool for creating infographics, slides, and posters. I featured it in a workshop in June. In this post teachers in that workshop shared their ideas about it using Canva and similar tools in school.

St. Anthony Today

Sabina in

Natalie out – Silvia in

Please remember to sign up on EPLC if you intend to take a Global Cohort student.  I hope you will consider this, it will be great to have some good student volunteers to work with this year!  So far, no one has signed up.

CCT meeting  – Geraldine and Paul – 9:00 am

Friday out – all staff at the Prescott at 3:30 pm – hope you all can come!