October 12

The SAN Script – The week of October 13 – 16

Creative Courage for Young Hearts: 15 Emboldening Picture Books Celebrating the Lives of Great Artists, Writers, and Scientists

Jane Goodall, Julia Child, Pablo Neruda, Marie Curie, E.E. Cummings, Albert Einstein, Ella Fitzgerald, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Frida Kahlo, and more.

Margaret Mead extolled the value of “spiritual and mental ancestors” in how we form our identity — those people to whom we aren’t related but whose values we try to cultivate in ourselves; role models we seek out not from our immediate genetic pool but from the pool of culture the surrounds us, past and present. Seneca saw in reading, one of the oldest and most reliable ways to identify and contact these cultural ancestors, a way of being adopted into the “households of the noblest intellects.” And what better time to meet such admirable models of personhood than in childhood, that fertile seedbed for the flowering of values and identity?

Collected here are thirteen wonderful picture-books celebrating such worthwhile “spiritual and mental ancestors.” It is, of course, an incomplete reading list, yet it is a deliberate one — a great many such books exist, but few feature the trifecta of wonderfulness: a cultural icon notable for his or her lasting contribution to humanity beyond mere fame; an intelligent and nuanced life-story lovingly told; and beautiful, imaginative illustrations rewarding in their own right. Please enjoy.


One should want only one thing and want it constantly,” young André Gide half-observed, half-resolved in his journal.“Then one is sure of getting it.” More than a century later, Werner Herzog wrote passionately of the “uninvited duty” that a sense of purpose plants in the heart, leaving one with “no choice but to push on.” That combination of desiring something with inextinguishable intensity — which begins with letting your life speak and daring to listen — and pursuing it with steadfast doggedness is perhaps the single common thread in the lives of those we most admire as luminaries of enduring genius. It is also at the heart of what it means to find your purpose and live it.

In Me…Jane (public library), celebrated cartoonist, author, and animal rights advocatePatrick McDonnell chronicles the early life of pioneering primatologist Jane Goodall (b. April 3, 1934) and tells the heartening story of how the seed planted by a childhood dream blossomed, under the generous beams of deep dedication, into the reality of a purposeful life.


The rest of Jane Goodall’s story and the others can be found here  Some great books for our library!

oct 10Why geography is important!

Tuesday, October 13

Please vote for St. Anthony all this week



Oct 10 3-45











10: 50 Thanksgiving songs rehearsal in gym, gr.1-6

Glitterbug arrives from Ottawa Public Health

Staff Meeting (PM)

Wednesday, October 14

Wastefree Wednesday Today

Fire Drill (AM)

Swim to Survive – grade 3, Maria and Angela

Thursday, October 15

Recycle Day at St. Anthony Catholic School- PLEASE recycle today!

first PD Day



This session focuses on building a foundation for networking while exposing participants to the intentional and strategic integration of digital resources through our Spotlight on Strategies (SOS) series.  Participants will also learn about the “Flipped Class” model of instruction through a fun networking activity to showcase their learning.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding of instructional strategies to integrate digital media into the classroom
  • Create a “flipped classroom” activity using a paper slide video format

Schedule (AM)

9:00 AM Mathletics webinar

9:30 break

9:45 Discovery Education Part I

Schedule (PM)

1:00 PM Mathletics webinar

1:30 break

1:45 Discovery Education Part I

Friday, October 16 

Thanksgiving Mass at St. Anthony

Pizza Day