November 16

The SAN Script Wednesday, November 16


LOVE YOURSELF by KHARI (Anti-Bullying Song)




From the developers of the popular iPad app Shadow Puppet Edu comes a nice new app called Seesaw. Seesaw is a free iPad app through which students can create a portfolio to document the things they have learned. Students can add artifacts to their portfolios by taking pictures of their work (in the case of a worksheet or other physical item), by writing about what they’ve learned, or by shooting a short video to record something they have learned. Students can add voice comments to their pictures to clarify what their pictures document.

To get started with Seesaw create a free classroom account. Students join the classroom by scanning a QR code (you will have to print it or project it) that grants them access to your Seesaw classroom. As the teacher you can see and sort all of your students’ Seesaw submissions.

Seesaw allows parents to create accounts through which they can see the work of their children. As a teacher you can send notifications to parents when their children make a new Seesaw submission.

Seesaw – Students Build Digital Portfolios on Their iPads (and chromebooks-Paul M.)

 link to post


Christopher will be doing a 20-minute presentation on Seesaw on Friday morning

PD Plan for Friday

8:00 am – coffee and snacks from Morning Owl Coffee


I. Opening Prayer for the day

II. Seesaw – presentation by Christopher Nixon 8:40 – 9:00 am

III. Innovative Learning Stance: What am I doing differently this year to help achieve the school priorities? What are my critical actions and what do I expect to see as a result of these actions? 9:00 – 11:00

responses from four teachers so far – all teachers have to respond to this survey so I can record your learning at the end of the day


IV. Leveraging Digital – choose one digital tool to work on – it can be seesaw, Edublogs (see below) or some aspect of Discovery PD section here or another tutorial from Atomic.  Please add your choice to the survey (you are able to go in and edit your answers – you will need to do this by the end of the day) What learning can you record (based on your work today)here that we can add to our SIPSaw? This session can be completed at any time during the day before 3:00 pm.  Staff can choose what they want to do for lunch in or outside the school.


staff results of survey


November 20

The SAN Script – Friday, November 20th


Atomic Webinar with Derek Herman

1.  Please join my meeting.
2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.
Access Code: 727-017-093
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 727-017-093

November 18, 2015


The things that really drive us nuts have enormous energy in them. That is why we fear them. It could even be your own timidity: you are so timid that you are afraid to walk up and say hello to someone, afraid to look someone in the eye. It takes a lot of energy to maintain that. It’s the way you keep yourself together. In tonglen practice, you have the chance to own that completely, not blaming anybody, and to ventilate it with the outbreath. Then you might better understand why some other people in the room look so grim: it isn’t because they hate you but because they feel the same kind of timidity and don’t want to look anyone in the face. In this way, the tonglen practice is both a practice of making friends with yourself and a practice of compassion.

Pema Chödrön Heart Advice


Review from Session One

  1. How have you integrated with students what you learned from our last session?

     What have you learned or shared in Edmodo?

SOS Review

  • Which strategy did you implement?
  • How did your students react?
  • How did you tweak it to make it your own?


  • Homework Review
  • Did you complete the Interactive Training? • Did you learn anything new about integrating digital media?




Phase 1- Event 2

Day in the Life


This event continues building on the integration strategies and expands knowledge of the depth and breadth of the resources available through Discovery Education. The content is delivered through 5 video segments. It is designed to give Ambassadors examples of digital integration strategies within multiple subject and grade levels.  Time will also be provided for Ambassadors to share a strategy they tried from the first session.

Day in the Life of a Discovery Educator

In the next portion of the event, you’ll play 5 video segments that provide an overview of the variety of resources within Discovery Education.

    • NOTE: Depending on what services you have access to, will determine how many of these resources will appear within their individual searches.
  • Each segment ends with a question, plan to leave approximately 3-5 minutes for discussion

Virtual Events

Remind Participants they have access to virtual events from Discovery Education.

Phase 1- Event 3

Student Experience and Celebration

In session three, ambassadors will learn more about enhancing the student experience and share personal successes. This session will review resources shared that walk them through My DE for Students, how to share content, and highlight some of Discovery Education’s great educational partner programs. The culmination of the program includes an opportunity for each participant to showcase what they have learned and how they have implemented their new learning in their classroom.

Going Digital (15 minutes, Slide 6)


  • Script Next, we will be watching “Going Digital: The Next Chapter in Teaching and Learning” from Discovery Education’s Senior Vice President of Partnerships, Scott Kinney.


  • Play: Going Digital: The Next Chapter in Teaching and Learning
  • Pause at 1:17>  Ask participants to share which way they believe instructional content is primarily used in general across your district: Text, Lecture, Media, Hands-On.
  • Pause at 6:00> Ask participants to share what they believe is not current in textbooks today and to share how many different textbook adoptions/ curriculum changes they have gone through since starting their career.
  • Pause at 8:52 > Ask participants to share what these graphs mean to teaching and learning

Student Center Experience (15 minutes, Slides 7-10)

  • As a review from the homework Interactive Training Activity, have Ambassadors review the Student Center Board


Reflection & Closing (20 minutes, Slides 13- 21)

Transformation Story

  • Script: Your final assignment for the program is to complete a reflection of the Ambassador program through a Transformation Story.

Staff working Meeting

see agenda here