May 6

The SAN Script – Friday, May 6th

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to

get better. It’s not.

Dr. Seuss




St. Anthony Today

Grade 5/6 to Rosemount Library: Nora, Geraldine – morning

Kindness Project with Lindsey Barr and Mrs. Rupnik’s classes (Clean up School Yard)

Chris Nihmey in for workshops half day – Grade 1 and 3

photo 1

Pizza Day!!

St. Anthony Superstars today!kinders

thanks to the kinders for the great birthday card!

May 4

The SAN Script – Wednesday, May 4 – Open House Today!!

It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.

Harvey S. Firestone


St. Anthony Today

Open House Today!


students and parents start to gather in the gym at 8:15 – coffee and snacks available

star the day with Oh Canada in the gym

Welcoming remarks – Natacha Tardif, Peter Atkinson, Paul McGuire

Opening of The Yard – a film about St. Anthony introduced by Sarah Peterson, producer of the film.

Students and parents can get their pictures taken as Family Portrait Day continues

Families move to classrooms and the learning commons to see the book sale

Rec Link available as well for parents who would like to register their children for recreation programming

rec link

Rosary visit
St.Anthony Catholic School

Rosary schedule
10:30 to 11:15 JK & FDK Natalie Schlesak
12:15 to 12:40 Grades 2 Shannon Draper

12:45 to 1:05 Grade 1 Meg Myers
12:15-1:30 Grade 4/5 French: Sylvain Girard
1:45-2:15 Grade 3/4: Maria Manzoli
2:20 -3:00 Grade 5/6: Nora Colaiacovo /Denis Chartrand

Wastefree Wednesday Today

10:50 songs practice in gym for tomorrow’s Mass

Orkidstra Today (Cambridge School)

May 3

The SAN Script – Tuesday, May 3


The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. Sydney J. Harris

St. Anthony Today

Family Portrait Day Two!

Open House for new students coming in September to Language Class

Grade 6 students at Notre Dame this morning

Maker Mobile at St. Anthony all day: – will make sure that all classes get into one of these sessions

8:30: Grade 3/4 Mrs. Manzoli – 3D Printing
10:15 Grade 1 Mrs. Myers – Beebot Mazerunner
10:15 Grade 2 Mrs. Moga – Beebot Mazerunner
12:30 Grade 4/5 M. Girard (Immersion)Codemaker Programming
14:00 M. Chartrand grade 5/6 Codemaker Programming

Culture Shock – Hip Hop Dance classes start today!

culture shock



Dorothy Stanyar, volunteer, in Mrs. Rupnik’s class PM only

Orkidstra Today